Talk:Leon's Fountain of Youth. This is a page for discussing improvements to Leon's Fountain of Youth. Talk pages are used to discuss changes or improvements to the article or page only. Please use the game discussions forum for game discussions, help desk for game questions, or the off-topic forum for general conversations. · Upon download of the content, you will see a warning icon in the status section in The Sims 3 Launcher notifying that you are missing content. In place of the missing content you will receive a similar default item in its place, or, no item at all. · Club with pool for Dragon Valley, comes with Hidden Springs Fountain of youth in Basement, Sunlit Tides Wellness Items (Massage, Sauna) and a Showtime stage. Build elements from Store Centre Olympique. No CC. This Exchange item contains items from The Sims 3 Store. Please see the ITEMS tab for more details.
I lost many of my old Sims Pack files, came here to re download and noticed many broken download links. So I started collecting from the Store using free points I have accumulated. Here is the links to my items I have managed to get. It will be updated from time to time so if you don't see an item you need, then maybe it will be there later. Serenity Aviary and Other Critters Park is a lovely community venue that is a minor pets haven. The spacious sunlit conservatory is a cozy home for various birds, big and small. The two barns house lizards, snakes, rodents and turtles. Complete with a tiny cafe in the tower and some outdoor entertainment, this lot is a fantastic place to visit with your family or on your own. ~CC-free~ Made by. The Sims 3: Hidden Springs is a expansion pack for The Sims 3 (required for play and sold separately) that provides players with a brand-new game environment for Sims to explore, as well as new and exclusive in-game items. The new Sims and storylines of the game expansion revolve around the the town of Hidden Springs and the rumor of a regenerative power that resides in its nearby woods.
Leon's Fountain of Youth - Store - The Sims™ 3. Find this Pin and more on Store Stuff by Sims Stuff. Travel. Landmarks. Overgrown. Backyard. Fountain Of Youth. Outdoor. Water. Leon's Fountain of Youth Whether placed in the middle of the woods or in your overgrown backyard, the youthful properties of the water from the fountain will surely ease the stresses of the modern day. Club with pool for Dragon Valley, comes with Hidden Springs Fountain of youth in Basement, Sunlit Tides Wellness Items (Massage, Sauna) and a Showtime stage. Build elements from Store Centre Olympique. No CC. This Exchange item contains items from The Sims 3 Store. Please see the ITEMS tab for more details.